How Much UV Can Nets Resist?
All of the materials that we can make nets out of will suffer
from a loss of strength primarily from exposure to UV light which breaks
down most synthetic fibers. The chart below shows some results from
tests that we have conducted. The samples were exposed to full sun
and all other whether elements in Florida. Of further note, we use UV inert thread
on all solar exposed trampolines / tensioned hammocks. This is very significantly
more expensive than a standard polyester thread, but the difference becomes quite clear after 3 - 5
years of solar exposure. While this is acceptable on nets that are designed for a lifespan of this
timeframe, it is unacceptable on our nets which we generally design to have a functional lifespan
in the 8 - 15 year range.
The results shown are the maximum tensile strength obtained before the sample broke. The numbers have been divided by
the sample spacing within the net to yield comparable strength per inch figures. Each data point is the average of at least
3 test results. Samples were exposed in an actual outdoor environment (not laboratory simulated) including full sun, wind,
and rain but not saltwater in FLorida. The Dyneema 1" Uncoated is not offered by us as a netting material but was included in
this test for comparison with the Urethane coated Dyneema which is available.