Why Would You Choose Sunrise?

A fair question assuming we haven’t met & this is your first introduction to us. If you have shopped around you’ve probably discovered that we are not cheap. I’ll try to help you understand the value we believe we bring for you and why we believe you will want to work with us. As the President of Sunrise I would like to address this to you personally.

We Are Here To Serve You

First & foremost we are here to serve you. This means that I have trained our salesmen & engineers (they are one & the same in most cases) to act as if they are your Assistant Buyer. Our job is to help you find the best possible product for your wants & budget – NOT to sell you the most we can. This comes from our desire to work with you for the next 30 years, not just this one sale. I have personally downsold many customers from Dyneema to 3/8” Offshore where it is a better fit for the customer.

Not Cheap, But A Good Value

Our nets typically last 2.5 to 3.5x the life of our competitor’s nets. I strongly believe that by the time you pencil in the time, headache, heartache, safety issues, & replacement costs our products come out well ahead as the best value on the market. This will not always be the case though, and if your needs & budget are not a great fit with us we’ll help you find a competitor that is.

37+ Years Of Company Experience

Formed in 1987 to make catamaran nets we have steadily grown since. From the beginning we have worked to constantly improve, each time a net of ours failed we would work to understand why and how we could improve it whether through better design, better materials, or new processes. The result is that we now offer by far the most durable tensioned nets in the world.

Skilled Craftsmen

We love our employees and they love us (as far as I can tell 😊). This means that we have an incredible base of highly skilled craftsmen (& women) that have a depth of knowledge & skill literally nobody else in the world has. I guarantee this results in a much better product for you.

Dedicated Netting Engineers

I learned the hard way that we can’t hire tensioned netting engineers. They don’t exist, so we train our netting engineers in-house. These dedicated netting engineers do nothing but work on tensioned netting design and can help your project be the best it can possibly be and very often help you find solutions you didn’t know you needed.

Setting & Meeting Expectations

I believe the single most important measure of how we serve you is that we set your expectations of us accurately and then as a team meet or exceed those expectations. We are not perfect in this, but we are very good & it is a guiding principle that we work on getting better on every day. To keep us honest on this we offer the…

World’s Best Tensioned Netting Warranty

Put simply, we have the World’s Best Tensioned Netting Warranty. For many of our nets our warranty is twice as long as competing nets last in the tropics. And our nets typically last about twice their warranty period.

We Care More Than You Do

At the end of the day, we are passionate about designing & manufacturing high quality, durable tensioned netting. Are we obsessed? Yes, we dream about tight nets and you benefit as a result. We go overboard on netting so you don’t.

Forming Trust

At the end of the day, the question is if you trust us. I’m sorry we haven’t met yet, but hopefully one day we will meet! Until then I hope that some of the information below can help you understand who we are and what we do. If you know some fellow sailors ask them about Sunrise, if they have our nets – get on board & try them out! You can also check out our testimonials page (link), find our satisfied customers on Youtube, and see the two below sections to get a better feel for who we are.

A Few Companies We Work With

What Our Customers Say

I can count on one hand the customers I am aware of that I do not believe we’ve satisfied in the last 8 years. We can’t quite please everyone, but we go overboard (ha) in working to create satisfied customers because that is who we are.

To Conclude

I thank you for taking the time to visit our site and I hope this has been helpful. I can guarantee we will give our best create solid expectations and then do everything in our power to meet them for you. In the process you should receive excellent personal customer service as well as the best tensioned netting available.

Sunrise Yacht Products President Matthew Brunnig Matthew Brunnig