A Pet-Friendly Netting Solution for Sailors and Homeowners

When you think of high-quality netting, your first thought may be how nice it will be for you, but pets love our netting just as much as their owners do. Whether you have a playful puppy or a chill cat we have pet-friendly nets designed to work with them.

Pet-Approved Materials

Choosing the right net material is crucial when pets are involved. You should consider pet paw comfort & netting durability.
3 dogs on a outdoor daybed with Square Hole Mesh
For pet paw comfort it is crucial to not have a net with too high openness. Openings greater than ½” increase discomfort on most dogs’ paws & openings over 1” are nearly unusable for the pet as the net strands cut between the dogs’ paw pads. The products we offer that are pet friendly are 3/8” Offshore, ComfortMesh, Black Polypropylene, & Square hole mesh.
a kid and a dog enjoying an architectural net
For netting durability around pets you should ensure that the net can withstand a dog going potty on it as well as hold up to a pet’s claws. Many of our offshore sailing customers find the trampoline net is an ideal potty spot for their pet – and with a quick rinse-off the nets are good to go for years. To ensure durability you will want to ensure the net has a UV Resistant vinyl coating which will protect against staining as well as keeping a dogs claws from catching.

Why Pets Love Netting

2 dogs on a dedicated dog bed with polypropylene mesh
Pets love nets for many of the same reasons kids do. It is a great vantage point over the water offering unique textures & a cooling breeze underneath on hot days. Large dogs in particular will use a net as their preferred bed in many instances so they can cool down more easily. We have quite a few customers that even use our nets for dedicated dog beds.
a guy with his dog on a catamaran net
Another reason they love the nets is it’s a terrific place for their humans to come down to their level. A net is a bed that your pet can get on you with…just wait til you see your pet’s eyes when he realizes he can cuddle with you on the bed.

Durability and Longevity

One of the most common concerns we hear is: “Can the nets withstand my pet’s claws?” The short answer is yes.
a guy and his dog on a square hole mesh daybed
Our marine-grade nets are engineered to endure harsh conditions on the open water, including rough weather and heavy foot traffic. Compared to the challenges posed by salt, wind, and constant flexing, a pet’s claws are generally no problem. This applies even when the net is used as an alternative potty spot on a boat.
2 dogs lying on a net with a glow
Many of our clients have reported that their dogs choose to do their business on the trampoline net for years, and the net shows no ill effects. This is partly due to the quick-draining nature of the mesh. Any liquids run right through, preventing staining and buildup requiring just a quick rinse to clean up.

Cuddle Zone

As backyard daybed owners ourselves, we routinely enjoy an evening at home shared with the pups. They’ll stare longingly until we give them a quick pat on the bed to signal they can come up and then its off to cuddleville.
a guy and his dog on a square hole mesh daybed

Easy Maintenance and Peace of Mind

dog laying on dog bed
Whether you’re dealing with pet hair, sand, or the occasional accident, maintenance is simple: just hose down the net or wipe it clean with a mild detergent. Our materials have proven they can hold up to the worst pets can offer for years on end. That translates to less worrying about odor or damage and more time focusing on what really matters—enjoying life with your furry companion.
another dog laying on dog bed
By investing in a pet-friendly net from Sunrise Yacht Products, you’re giving your animals a comfortable, safe space to relax and play. Whether you’re afloat on a catamaran or looking to enhance your backyard setup, our range of robust materials, easy-maintenance designs, and customizable solutions will keep both you and your pets happy for the long haul.

Ready to Transform Your Space?

Contact us today for personalized recommendations, and let us help you choose the net that best suits your vision, budget, and comfort preferences.

Call us at (727) 526-9288

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